2005/06/01 | 主  题: TrueGrid不绑定数据控件的时候怎么向里面加数据?
类别(编程相关) | 评论(0) | 阅读(104) | 发表于 23:39
'在此之前必须引用APEX XArray object

Dim x As New XArray

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim row, col As Long

x.ReDim 0, 99, 0, 3
For row = x.LowerBound(1) To x.UpperBound(1)
For col = x.LowerBound(2) To x.UpperBound(2)
x(row, col) = "Row " & row & ", Col " & col
Next col
Next row

' Bind True DBGrid Control to this XArray instance
Set TDBGrid1.Array = x

End Sub
