2006/10/15 | 安装SQL SERVER 2000 出错
类别(SQL) | 评论(0) | 阅读(555) | 发表于 16:45

安装SQL SERVER 2000 时,出现以下错误,根据提示,查看了日志(日志如下),发现提示:

1  SA用户登陆不了。重新安装改用两种登陆认证方式。还是不行。

2  查看所在目录,发现相应目录没有所需的文件。估计是安装系统时,环境变量出现问题,不管了,搜索安装盘,找到相应版本的文件,把整个文件夹复制到相应TEMP目录,再次安装,OK。^-^


03:09:33 Begin Setup
03:09:33 8.00.194
03:09:33 Mode = Normal
03:09:33 ModeType = NORMAL
03:09:33 GetDefinitionEx returned: 0, Extended: 0x0
03:09:33 ValueFTS returned: 1
03:09:33 ValuePID returned: 1
03:09:33 ValueLic returned: 1
03:09:33 System: Windows NT Enterprise Server
03:09:33 SQL Server ProductType: Enterprise Edition [0x3]
03:09:33 IsNTCluster returned: 0
03:09:33 Begin Action: SetupInitialize
03:09:33 End Action SetupInitialize
03:09:33 Begin Action:  SetupInstall
03:09:33 Reading Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CommonFilesDir ...
03:09:33 CommonFilesDir=C:\Program Files\Common Files
03:09:33 Windows Directory=C:\WINDOWS\
03:09:33 Program Files=C:\Program Files\
03:09:33 TEMPDIR=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.251\LOCALS~1\Temp\
03:09:33 Begin Action:  SetupInstall
03:09:33 digpid size : 256
03:09:34 digpid size : 164
03:09:34 Begin Action:  CheckFixedRequirements
03:09:34 Platform ID: 0xf00000
03:09:34 Version: 5.2.3790
03:09:34 File Version - C:\WINDOWS\system32\shdocvw.dll: 6.0.3790.2732
03:09:34 End Action:  CheckFixedRequirements
03:09:34 Begin Action:  ShowDialogs
03:09:34 Initial Dialog Mask: 0x183000f7, Disable Back=0x1
03:09:34 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1
03:09:34 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdWelcome
03:09:35 End Action  DialogShowSdWelcome
03:09:35 Dialog 0x1 returned: 1
03:09:35 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:09:35 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2,index=1
03:09:35 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2
03:09:35 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdMachineName
03:09:35 ShowDlgMachine returned: 1
03:09:35 Name = 2513-KEN, Type = 0x1
03:09:35 Begin Action:  CheckRequirements
03:09:35 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)
03:09:35 Service Pack:  256
03:09:35 ComputerName: 2513-KEN
03:09:35 User Name: Administrator
03:09:35 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 1
03:09:35 OS Language: 0x804
03:09:35 End Action CheckRequirements
03:09:35 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a full product install.
03:09:35 CreateSetupTopology(2513-KEN), Handle : 0x1644218, returned : 0
03:09:35 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x1644218
03:09:35 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
03:09:35 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x1644268
03:09:36 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
03:09:36 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x80000000
03:09:36 PN_StartScan [0x1644268] returned : 0
03:09:36 PN_GetNext [0x1644268] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]
03:09:36 No more items in enumeration.
03:09:36 ReleaseSetupTopology
03:09:36 Named instance limit: 100, quota: 0
03:09:36 End Action  DialogShowSdMachineName
03:09:36 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:09:36 nFullMask = 0x183000f7, nCurrent = 0x2, nDirection = 0
03:09:36 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf00037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:09:36 Dialog 0x2 returned: 0
03:09:36 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:09:36 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x4,index=2
03:09:36 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4
03:09:36 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdInstallMode
03:09:37 ShowDlgInstallMode returned: 1
03:09:37 InstallMode : 0x1
03:09:37 End Action  DialogShowSdInstallMode
03:09:37 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:09:37 nFullMask = 0xbf00037, nCurrent = 0x4, nDirection = 1
03:09:37 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bf40037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:09:37 Dialog 0x4 returned: 1
03:09:37 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:09:37 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x10,index=4
03:09:37 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x10
03:09:37 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
03:09:37 End Action DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
03:09:37 Dialog 0x10 returned: 1
03:09:37 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:09:37 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x20,index=5
03:09:37 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x20
03:09:37 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdLicense
03:09:38 End Action DialogShowSdLicense
03:09:38 Dialog 0x20 returned: 1
03:09:38 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:09:38 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x40000,index=18
03:09:38 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x40000
03:09:38 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdCliSvr
03:09:38 DisplaySystemPreReq
03:09:39 ShowDlgClientServerSelect returned: 1
03:09:39 Type : 0x2
03:09:40 End Action  DialogShowSdCliSvr
03:09:40 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:09:40 nFullMask = 0x1bf40037, nCurrent = 0x40000, nDirection = 1
03:09:40 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bfc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:09:40 Dialog 0x40000 returned: 1
03:09:40 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:09:40 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x80000,index=19
03:09:40 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x80000
03:09:40 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdInstanceName
03:09:40 Begin Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
03:09:40 End Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
03:09:40 ShowDlgInstanceName returned : 1
03:09:40 InstanceName : MSSQLSERVER
03:09:40 CreateSetupTopology(2513-KEN), Handle : 0x16447e0, returned : 0
03:09:40 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x16447e0
03:09:40 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
03:09:40 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x1644268
03:09:40 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
03:09:40 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x80000000
03:09:40 PN_StartScan [0x1644268] returned : 0
03:09:40 PN_GetNext [0x1644268] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]
03:09:40 No more items in enumeration.
03:09:40 ReleaseSetupTopology
03:09:40 End Action  DialogShowSdInstanceName
03:09:40 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:09:40 nFullMask = 0x1bfc0037, nCurrent = 0x80000, nDirection = 1
03:09:40 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bfc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:09:40 Dialog 0x80000 returned: 1
03:09:40 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:09:40 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x100000,index=20
03:09:40 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x100000
03:09:40 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdSetupType
03:09:40 Begin Action: Setup Type
03:09:49 SQL program folder: E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
03:09:49 SQL data folder: E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
03:09:49 Windows system folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\
03:09:49 Prog req: 38205, Data req: 36544, Sys req: 193391
03:09:49 Prog avail: 501960, Data avail: 501960, Sys avail: 1651776
03:09:49 Prog req vs. avail, 74749, 501960
03:09:49 Data req vs. avail, 36544, 501960
03:09:49 Sys req vs. avail, 193391, 1651776
03:09:49 DisplaySystemPreReq
03:09:49 [SetupTypeSQL]
03:09:49 szDir = E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
03:09:49 szDir = E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
03:09:49 Result = 301
03:09:49 szDataDir = E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
03:09:49 szDataDir = E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
03:09:49 End Action: Setup Type
03:09:49 Setup Type: Typical (301)
03:09:49 End Action  DialogShowSdSetupType
03:09:49 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:09:49 nFullMask = 0x1bfc0037, nCurrent = 0x100000, nDirection = 301
03:09:49 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:09:49 Dialog 0x100000 returned: 301
03:09:49 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:09:49 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x400000,index=22
03:09:49 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x400000
03:09:49 Begin Action:  DlgServices
03:09:55 ShowDlgServices returned: 1
03:09:55 [DlgServices]
03:09:55 Local-Domain = 3855
03:09:55 AutoStart  = 15
03:09:55 Result = 1
03:09:55 End Action DlgServices
03:09:55 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:09:55 nFullMask = 0x1bdc0037, nCurrent = 0x400000, nDirection = 1
03:09:55 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:09:55 Dialog 0x400000 returned: 1
03:09:55 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:09:55 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x800000,index=23
03:09:55 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x800000
03:09:55 Begin Action:  DlgSQLSecurity
03:10:05 ShowDlgSQLSecurity returned: 1
03:10:05 LoginMode = 2,szPwd
03:10:05 End Action DlgSQLSecurity
03:10:05 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:10:05 nFullMask = 0x1bdc0037, nCurrent = 0x800000, nDirection = 1
03:10:05 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:10:05 Dialog 0x800000 returned: 1
03:10:05 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:10:05 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x1000000,index=24
03:10:05 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1000000
03:10:05 Begin Action:  DlgCollation
03:10:05 ShowDlgCollation returned: 1
03:10:05 collation_name = Chinese_PRC_CI_AS,locale_name = Chinese_PRC,lcid = 0x804,SortId = 0,dwCompFlags = 0x30001
03:10:05 End Action DlgCollation
03:10:05 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:10:05 nFullMask = 0x1bdc0037, nCurrent = 0x1000000, nDirection = 1
03:10:05 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:10:05 Dialog 0x1000000 returned: 1
03:10:05 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:10:05 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2000000,index=25
03:10:05 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2000000
03:10:05 Begin Action:  DlgNetwork
03:10:05 ShowDlgNetwork returned: 1
03:10:05 [DlgServerNetwork]
03:10:05 NetworkLibs = 255
03:10:05 TCPPort = 1433
03:10:05 TCPPrxy = Default
03:10:05 NMPPipeName = \\.\pipe\sql\query
03:10:05 Result = 1
03:10:05 End Action DlgNetwork
03:10:05 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:10:05 nFullMask = 0x1bdc0037, nCurrent = 0x2000000, nDirection = 1
03:10:06 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:10:06 Dialog 0x2000000 returned: 1
03:10:06 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:10:06 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x8000000,index=27
03:10:06 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x8000000
03:10:06 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdStartCopy
03:10:06 End Action DialogShowSdStartCopy
03:10:06 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
03:10:06 nFullMask = 0x1bdc0037, nCurrent = 0x8000000, nDirection = 1
03:10:06 Updated Dialog Mask: 0x1bdc0037, Disable Back = 0x1
03:10:06 Dialog 0x8000000 returned: 1
03:10:06 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:10:06 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x10000000,index=28
03:10:06 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x10000000
03:10:06 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdLicenseMode
03:10:07 ShowDlgLicense returned: 1
03:10:07 ShowDlgLicense returned: LicenseMode = 0, LicenseLimit = 1
03:10:07 End Action DialogShowSdLicenseMode
03:10:07 Dialog 0x10000000 returned: 1
03:10:07 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
03:10:07 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x0,index=0
03:10:07 End Action ShowDialogs
03:10:07 Begin Action ProcessBeforeDataMove:
03:10:08 DeinstallStart returned (E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL): 0
03:10:08 End Action   ProcessBeforeDataMove:
03:10:08 Begin Action SetToolsComponentSelection:
03:10:08 End Action SetToolsComponentSelection:
03:10:08 Begin Action ProcessComponentSelection:
03:10:08 End Action ProcessComponentSelection
03:10:08 Begin Action LogSelectedComponents:
03:10:08 SQLProg
03:10:08 SQLProg\SQLServr
03:10:08 SQLProg\SQLServr\Help
03:10:08 SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev
03:10:08 SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMh
03:10:08 SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMX86Lb
03:10:08 SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMALb
03:10:08 SQLProg\SQLServr\Rs1033
03:10:08 SQLProg\SQLServr\RsIntl
03:10:08 SQLProg\SQLServr\ActiveX
03:10:08 SQLProg\SQLServr\System
03:10:08 SQLProg\UpgTools
03:10:08 SQLProg\UpgTools\UpgSys
03:10:08 SQLProg\UpgTools\ActiveX
03:10:08 SQLProg\UpgTools\Res1033
03:10:08 SQLProg\UpgTools\ResOther
03:10:08 SQLProg\UpgTools\Resld
03:10:08 SQLProg\ReplSupp
03:10:08 SQLProg\ReplSupp\ReplDat
03:10:08 SQLProg\ReplSupp\RepComm
03:10:08 SQLProg\ReplSupp\RepNoDk
03:10:08 SQLProg\ReplSupp\ActiveX
03:10:08 SQLProg\Install
03:10:08 SQLProg\System
03:10:08 SQLProg\SvrExt
03:10:08 SQLProg\SvrExt\Help
03:10:08 SQLProg\SvrExt\SvrExtRs
03:10:08 SQLProg\SvrExt\ResIntl
03:10:08 SQLProg\Dat
03:10:08 SQLProg\DatSmpl
03:10:08 SQLProg\BaseSys
03:10:08 SQLProg\BaseBinn
03:10:08 SQLProg\MSSearch
03:10:08 SQLProg\MSSearch\Help
03:10:08 SQLProg\MSSearch\ActiveX
03:10:08 SQLProg\BaseInst
03:10:08 SQLProg\Symbols
03:10:08 SQLProg\Symbols\EXE
03:10:08 SQLProg\Symbols\DLL
03:10:08 SQLProg\Perfmon
03:10:08 SQLProg\Perfmon\System
03:10:08 SQLProg\Root
03:10:08 MgtTool
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\HTML
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\MSD98
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\MSD98SYS
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\MSD98Res
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\MSD98Hlp
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\Help
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\Res1033
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\ResIntl
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\MSD98RsI
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX\Res1033
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX\ResIntl
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\Scripts
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB\Res1033
03:10:08 MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB\ResIntl
03:10:08 MgtTool\Profiler
03:10:08 MgtTool\Profiler\Help
03:10:08 MgtTool\Profiler\Res1033
03:10:08 MgtTool\Profiler\ResIntl
03:10:08 MgtTool\Qryanlz
03:10:08 MgtTool\Qryanlz\Help
03:10:08 MgtTool\Qryanlz\Res1033
03:10:08 MgtTool\Qryanlz\ResIntl
03:10:08 MgtTool\DTCCLi
03:10:08 MgtTool\Wzcnflct
03:10:08 MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnHlp
03:10:08 MgtTool\Wzcnflct\Wzcn1033
03:10:08 MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnOthr
03:10:08 MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnCmn
03:10:08 MgtTool\UtilSys
03:10:08 MgtTool\UtilBinn
03:10:08 Connect
03:10:08 Connect\ConnSys
03:10:08 Books
03:10:08 Books\Bookso
03:10:08 Books\Bookso\Utils
03:10:08 DevTools
03:10:08 DevTools\Dbg Int
03:10:08 DevTools\Dbg Int\Dbg Int Common
03:10:08 DevTools\Dbg Int\EXE
03:10:08 CoreRepl
03:10:08 CoreRepl\Res1033
03:10:08 CoreRepl\ResIntl
03:10:08 Core
03:10:08 Core\Res1033
03:10:08 Core\ResOther
03:10:08 Repostry
03:10:08 Repostry\RepstSys
03:10:08 Repostry\Res1033
03:10:08 Repostry\ResIntl
03:10:08 CoreMisc
03:10:08 CoreMisc\ActiveX
03:10:08 CoreMisc\ActiveX\Res1033
03:10:08 CoreMisc\ActiveX\ResIntl
03:10:08 CoreMisc\Res1033
03:10:08 Monarch
03:10:08 Monarch\Monr1033
03:10:08 Monarch\MonrIntl
03:10:08 Jet
03:10:08 CoreInst
03:10:08 CoreCOM
03:10:08 CoreCOM\Res1033
03:10:08 CoreCOM\ResIntl
03:10:08 CoreTool
03:10:08 CoreTool\Res1033
03:10:08 CoreTool\ResOther
03:10:08 DBLibCli
03:10:08 SFExt
03:10:08 SFExt\ActiveX
03:10:08 SFExt\ActiveX\Res1033
03:10:08 SFExt\ActiveX\ResIntl
03:10:08 SFExt\Res1033
03:10:08 SFExt\ResIntl
03:10:08 Trace
03:10:08 Trace\Res1033
03:10:08 Trace\ResOther
03:10:08 MiscCore
03:10:08 MC
03:10:08 MC\MC1033
03:10:08 MC\MCIntl
03:10:08 MC\Help
03:10:08 SQLMgr
03:10:08 SQLMgr\Res1033
03:10:08 SQLMgr\ResIntl
03:10:08 SvrTool
03:10:08 SvrTool\Res1033
03:10:08 SvrTool\ResIntl
03:10:08 DTSUI
03:10:08 DTSUI\Res1033
03:10:08 DTSUI\ResIntl
03:10:08 MSOlap
03:10:08 MSOlap\Res1033
03:10:08 MSOlap\ResIntl
03:10:08 ATL
03:10:08 ATL\winnt
03:10:08 ATL\win9x
03:10:08 MFC42U
03:10:08 VC
03:10:08 VB
03:10:08 OCX1
03:10:08 SQLAdHlp
03:10:08 SQLAdHlp\Res1033
03:10:08 SQLAdHlp\ResOther
03:10:08 {E07FDDBE-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
03:10:08 {E07FDDC7-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
03:10:08 {E07FDDC0-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
03:10:08 {E07FDDBF-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
03:10:08 End Action LogSelectedComponents
03:10:08 Begin Action InstallPkgs:
03:10:08 Begin Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check
03:10:09 ConnectivityLocked returned: 0
03:10:09 操作成功完成。

03:10:09 End Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check
03:10:09 安装程序正在安装 Microsoft 数据访问组件 (MDAC) ...
03:10:09 H:\ENTERP~8\x86\Other\sqlredis.exe /q:a /C:"setupre.exe WARN=1 -s -SMS"
03:10:36 ExitCode: 0
03:10:36 安装程序正在安装 Microsoft 分布式事务处理协调器 (MSDTC) ...
03:10:36  C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.251\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\cldtcstp.exe -SupportDir "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.251\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin" -DTCPkg "H:\ENTERP~8\x86\Other\dtcsetup.exe" -LogFile "C:\WINDOWS\sqlstp.log"
03:10:36 Process Exit Code: (0)
03:10:36 InstallMSSearch instance: MSSQLSERVER
03:10:36 Software\Microsoft\Search\Install:Version not present
03:10:36 MSSearch 2.0 or greater version check returned -1
03:10:36 安装程序正在安装 Microsoft 全文检索引擎...
03:10:36  "H:\ENTERP~8\x86\FullText\MSSearch\Search\SearchStp.exe" /s /a:SQLServer
03:11:03 Process Exit Code: (0)
03:11:03  /Q:A /T:C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.251\LOCALS~1\Temp\ixp001.tmp
03:11:03 安装程序正在安装 HTML 帮助
03:11:04 HTML Help installer exit code: 0
03:11:26 End Action InstallPkgs
03:11:26 Begin Action MoveFileData:
03:12:21 Begin Action:  MoveFileDataSpecial
03:12:21 End Action:  MoveFileDataSpecial
03:12:21 End Action   MoveFileData
03:12:21 Begin Action ProcessAfterDataMove:
03:12:21 H:\ENTERP~8\x86\Binn\hhcol.exe C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Books
03:12:23 End Action   ProcessAfterDataMove
03:12:23 Begin Action BuildServer:
03:12:23 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.251\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 5 -ExePath "E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\binn\sqlservr.exe" -Service "MSSQLSERVER"
03:12:23 Process Exit Code: (0)
03:12:23 Begin Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL
03:12:23 End Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL
03:12:23 Begin Action: RegWriteSetupEntry
03:12:23 End Action: RegWriteSetupEntry
03:12:23 Begin Action: CreateSer
03:12:23 End Action: CreateSer
03:12:23 Begin Action: SkuIt
03:12:23 End Action: SkuIt
03:12:23 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL returned: 1350, 1350
03:12:23 SetRegSecuritySQLAndAdmin for Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer returned: 0, 0
03:12:23 Begin Action: UpdateSystemPath
03:12:23 Path successfully updated.
03:12:23 %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN
03:12:23 End Action: UpdateSystemPath
03:12:24 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\cnfgsvr.exe  -F "C:\WINDOWS\sqlstp.log" -I MSSQLSERVER -V 1 -M 0 -Q "Chinese_PRC_CI_AS" -H 1639046 -U sa -P



-m -Q -T4022 -T3659


driver={sql server};server=2513-KEN;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]用户 'sa' 登?

driver={sql server};server=2513-KEN;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]用户 'sa' 登?

driver={sql server};server=2513-KEN;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]用户 'sa' 登?

SQL Server 配置?


03:13:01 Process Exit Code: (-1)
03:13:07 安装程序配置服务器失败。参考服务器错误日志和 C:\WINDOWS\sqlstp.log 了解更多信息。
03:13:07 Action CleanUpInstall:
03:13:07 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.251\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 4 -Service SQLSERVERAGENT
03:13:07 Process Exit Code: (1060) 指定的服务未安装。

03:13:07 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.251\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 4 -Service MSSQLSERVER
03:13:07 Process Exit Code: (0)
03:13:07 StatsGenerate returned: 2
03:13:07 StatsGenerate (0x80000000,0x1,0xf00000,0x100,2052,303,0x0,0x1,0,0,0
03:13:07 StatsGenerate -1,Administrator)
03:13:07 Installation Failed.

